About The Author


I am the manager of the Foose household! It is full of surprises, challenges, joys and frustrations.  Most days are tough. I would be lying if I didn’t say so.

I have been married since 2009.  My husband is the calm to our crazy. He goes along with just about every crazy idea I have–like when one day I say I’m finally going to learn to play the violin–and he’s one of my greatest supporters. I am so very blessed to have him by my side!!

When I am not wiping up messes, cleaning the toilet for the tenth time in a day!, playing referee to three boys, kissing scraped knees and elbows, playing the same game over and over again or washing the same load of laundry three times because I forgot to put it in the dryer, I enjoy: painting/drawing (taphath-foose.pixels.com), crafting, DIY projects, photography, writing, reading, scrapbooking, taking walks and music.  I am hoping as my boys enter into a more independent stage I can devote a little more time to these other enjoyments as well.

I am a believer – I have accepted the gift of salvation that God has offered through His Son, Jesus Christ.  I proudly claim this “title”.  I enjoy waking really early to spend time with God.  If I do not get this, I am not as prepared for the day that lays ahead. You will find a lot of my posts are centered around my faith; even tidbits of daily life will usually come from a godly perspective.

I am not perfect; I do not claim to be; I am far from it!  The things I share in this blog are what God is teaching me.

I hope you find encouragement, hope, truth, and maybe even some humor along the way.

Thanks for stopping by!