I am a Servant

It’s human nature to question God’s will, especially when it seems to oppose our own or happen not as we expected. Why did you take my job? Why is my life so difficult? Why did you take my loved one? Why is my marriage so difficult? Why do I have to deal with this hater at my school? Why can’t I have a family? Why does my child struggle so? Why can’t I find a spouse?

Mary was a virgin, betrothed to Joseph. God sent His angel Gabriel to tell Mary, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus.”  She had everything to lose in obeying God’s will: her reputation, her marriage, her family, her wants and hopes.

Yet, her response was not, “Eh…I don’t know, God. It’s going to look like I cheated on Joseph. And I’m not sure I can raise the Son of God.” No. Instead, Continue reading “I am a Servant”

The Perfect Gift

I cannot wait to give our boys their presents on Christmas morning! To see the huge smiles on their faces as they rip open the paper and get a first peek. As parents, it gives us great pleasure to bless our children with gifts. The love and joy we experience as humans is pretty grand, but imagine how our Heavenly Father must feel to bless us with good gifts from above? The unexplainable delight as He showers us with His blessings.

Have you ever given a gift only to see the person look unaffected upon receiving it? Has someone ever told you they didn’t like your gift? How hurtful and disappointing. Maybe their gift was an afterthought, quickly found on the shelf as you exited a store, or perhaps you thought it was the perfect gift – carefully wrapped with appreciation and tied with a bow of love.

As much as we’d like to brag about our ability to give perfect gifts, there is none like the one God gave. His was the Perfect Gift. It was the greatest ever given. His might not be the latest iPhone or a smart TV. It’s not a sleek Ferrari or a mansion on a hilltop. It’s not even our deepest desire. Continue reading “The Perfect Gift”

Here’s a Glimpse…

My original answer was “No way!”—but he really wanted to go along.

Our church family was Christmas caroling around a few of the neighboring houses and then meeting again for some cookies and hot chocolate. My son did okay while caroling. He wandered a little and pushed his brother a few times. He liked to ring the doorbells, but soon began pushing the buttons before the rest of us were up the sidewalk. One house, I had to run after him because he continued walking up the sidewalk of a house we were going to skip. All in all, he did okay for a kid who isn’t typical.

But then it was time to eat cookies – aka little blobs of sugar.

As soon as the sugar hit the blood stream, it was as if someone flipped a switch on my son. Even I was surprised. He quickly ascended the hyper-coaster and it was going to get ugly. Continue reading “Here’s a Glimpse…”

The Lonely Journey: What I Want You To Know

We all walk lonely journeys. Each is unique. But one thing they all have in common: they can build walls that separate us from others. They can complicate family units. And they can even destroy marriages if not careful.

Somehow it seems harder when the journey involves your child. They unintentionally isolate. They can break friendships and rob us of meaningful time with others.

Some have very specific opinions about what they see in your child. Others have no clue and form their own conclusions about the situation. Some disagree with the way you’re handling it. Some are simply uninformed. Some may want to help but aren’t sure how or even what to say.

Please, don’t walk away from those who are hurting in their lonely journey. It’s hard to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, but try to understand. Research their struggle if you can; ask them questions; be a support and encouragement. Don’t just turn away from them. You might be the only one who hasn’t.

I wasn’t sure how much to share in this blog. How much exposure is helpful? Is it fair to my son? But, if it makes a difference or helps another to understand or be understood, then—to me—it’s worth the sacrifice.

“He came out screaming and hasn’t stopped; it’s just changed.” This is what I told a doctor this week about my son.

Continue reading “The Lonely Journey: What I Want You To Know”