Forgiveness May Be the Last Thing

In my last blog I shared that God has been pruning me in unexpected ways. Slicing branches deeply exposing my very core. He’s been working in many areas of my life, revealing pride and error in the hidden places of my heart.

I’ve been convicted with this verse:But whatever gain I had, I counted a loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith – that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.Phil 3:7-11

What am I willing to give up for the sake of Christ?

It came as a surprise this morning to believe that the last thing to count as a loss may be my unforgiveness. It’s worth mentioning that I am not through this process. I’m not even certain I moved past the doorway to forgiveness, but I see the potential beauty and freedom and long for even just a taste of it.

In Lysa Terkeurst’s book Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, her concept of forgiveness is life-changing and powerful. I understood forgiveness was necessary and somewhat of a choice but was centered around a feeling. So, if I struggle to get past the hurt that runs so deep, as the impact of their offense affects my emotions long after, then how and when do I get to a place of forgiveness, especially if the offenses are ongoing?

Continue reading “Forgiveness May Be the Last Thing”

This Arrogant Heart of Mine

Two days ago marked 5 years since my dad’s death. I felt pressured to write a blog as I’ve done so many times in the past or paint an inspired work of art in memory of my dad. But no inspiration came that day…just a sad cloud looming over me. I mentioned the pressure to my husband whose reply was so on-point:

“You know [your dad] wouldn’t have wanted anything that points to him anyway. He would’ve rather had you do something that points to Christ.”

And so, there is no 5-year blog (at least not yet) and there is no 5-year painting. Instead, here’s a blog about this arrogant, sinful heart of mine.

Continue reading “This Arrogant Heart of Mine”

My Way; His Steps

I always find it fascinating when I ask my boys what they want to be when they grow up.

“I want to be Flash when I get bigger,” my youngest says confidently.

“An engineer,” my oldest says. He’s been holding tight to this dream for two years already.

Proverbs 16:9
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

I think of desires, dreams and goals. It could be as big as dreams or maybe it’s smaller in scale. Man plans his actions and choices. Every second of every day man is given choices and opportunities. He is faced with an open road so to speak. He can choose to hit the snooze or not. To eat breakfast or not. To have a donut or eggs. To open God’s Word or not. But God sovereignly directs his feet so that everything works together for good according to His purpose and for His glory.

A toddler sees a cookie crumb under the table. Continue reading “My Way; His Steps”

Grace is Amazing!

Grace is more than surface deep—it’s complex. Google defines grace as the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. Simply put, grace is getting something we don’t deserve. Often, it’s associated only with salvation (saving grace). We deserve the penalty of death because of our sin, but grace steps in and gives us life through Jesus Christ. Grace spares us from the cross and continues to walk us Home. It’s not bound by the sacrificial (and ultimate!) act on the cross. Grace breathes its sweet breath into every aspect of our life. Continue reading “Grace is Amazing!”

I am a Servant

It’s human nature to question God’s will, especially when it seems to oppose our own or happen not as we expected. Why did you take my job? Why is my life so difficult? Why did you take my loved one? Why is my marriage so difficult? Why do I have to deal with this hater at my school? Why can’t I have a family? Why does my child struggle so? Why can’t I find a spouse?

Mary was a virgin, betrothed to Joseph. God sent His angel Gabriel to tell Mary, “You will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus.”  She had everything to lose in obeying God’s will: her reputation, her marriage, her family, her wants and hopes.

Yet, her response was not, “Eh…I don’t know, God. It’s going to look like I cheated on Joseph. And I’m not sure I can raise the Son of God.” No. Instead, Continue reading “I am a Servant”

The Perfect Gift

I cannot wait to give our boys their presents on Christmas morning! To see the huge smiles on their faces as they rip open the paper and get a first peek. As parents, it gives us great pleasure to bless our children with gifts. The love and joy we experience as humans is pretty grand, but imagine how our Heavenly Father must feel to bless us with good gifts from above? The unexplainable delight as He showers us with His blessings.

Have you ever given a gift only to see the person look unaffected upon receiving it? Has someone ever told you they didn’t like your gift? How hurtful and disappointing. Maybe their gift was an afterthought, quickly found on the shelf as you exited a store, or perhaps you thought it was the perfect gift – carefully wrapped with appreciation and tied with a bow of love.

As much as we’d like to brag about our ability to give perfect gifts, there is none like the one God gave. His was the Perfect Gift. It was the greatest ever given. His might not be the latest iPhone or a smart TV. It’s not a sleek Ferrari or a mansion on a hilltop. It’s not even our deepest desire. Continue reading “The Perfect Gift”

What Is Most Important?

I am a Christian, a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a member of my church and of the body of Christ.

Each of these roles comes with specific duties, expectations, responsibilities. Each varying slightly or hugely from the other.

As a wife, I have certain responsibilities: the upkeep of the house; respecting, encouraging and supporting my husband; submitting to his authority; praying faithfully for him. As a mom, I–with my husband–am responsible to teach everything to my children; to use every opportunity to share the Gospel; to let them see who Jesus is through me (yikes!); to encourage and love them as Christ loves me; to pray for them. As a member of the body of Christ, I am to serve obediently and willingly in whatever way God calls me. As a friend, sister and daughter, I am to uplift and encourage them; to be a godly influence; to pray for them. As a Christian, I am to stand apart from the world; to be a light in the darkness; to proclaim the Gospel to the world; to pray for our Nation and its leaders. As an individual: my health, my walk with God, my wants and needs, my talents, my time, my social contacts, my monies, they all must align with the Word of God.

My list is limited, as I did not list everything, and yours may look very different than mine, but you see how overwhelming it can be. We feel so much pressure to not fail in a specific area, or in many.

So what is most important? Continue reading “What Is Most Important?”