A Crown of Glory

No one wants to look older than they really are. No one. Let’s face it—the world tells us gray hair is a sign of old age. It’s not associated with being young and beautiful. And we go to great extremes to stop this unavoidable path.

I was only twenty-two when I spotted my first white hair. Yes, white! No gradual grays for me. I was horrified. Continue reading “A Crown of Glory”

A Girl Dreams

A girl begins to dream and plan her wedding from very young. She wears a long skirt and drapes a lacey curtain over her face, imagining a wedding gown and veil.

The flowers are everywhere. The sparkling white lights. Walking down the aisle in a gorgeous gown as everyone gazes upon her beauty. Standing beside her soulmate, her best friend, her Prince Charming. How magical and beautiful her big day will be.

And then there is reality. Continue reading “A Girl Dreams”

Show Up and Let God

We tend to approach life’s challenges like battles. They are intimidating or possibly they don’t seem worth fighting so we’re tempted to completely avoid the battle. Or perhaps we fight—bringing our best efforts and weapons—only to fall short. We blame ourselves for not having prepared enough. We retreat—licking our battle wounds—as we ask ourselves what we did wrong and how we can come out on top next time.

But some of our greatest battles aren’t won through blood, sweat and tears. They aren’t won by overpowering or outnumbering the enemy. And they aren’t won by our strategic attack. Continue reading “Show Up and Let God”